Crypto Token V. Crypto Coin – a Comprehensive Comparison

Crypto Token V. Crypto Coin – a Comprehensive Comparison

The unprecedented rise of technology has resulted in the creation of virtual realities, one of which is the peer-to-peer electronic economic system in the form of tokens and coins. While the former indicates an owner’s stake or property, the latter is a digital legal tender for exchange within the crypto world.

The terms above are often used interchangeably, but they have significant differences and similarities. This article attempts to distinguish crypto tokens and coins by comprehensively outlining their similarities and differences.

What is Crypto Token

A crypto token is a virtual cryptocurrency that allows the holder to invest or use it for economic purposes. It is also the virtual representation of a holder’s stake in any related venture. Conventionally, miners build cryptocurrencies on a blockchain. However, there are instances where a cryptocurrency does not have a new blockchain but originates from another existing blockchain. Where this occurs, then a crypto token is created.

What is Crypto Coin

A crypto coin is quite similar to a token. It is a virtual tender used to trade and perform transactions. Unlike tokens, coins have their blockchains. They are usually generated through mining, and validating a series of codes to build blocks that can house the crypto coin.

Is there a difference between Crypto Token and Crypto Coin

There are differences between tokens and coins despite a few similarities. For one, coins are digital currencies directly built on a blockchain that has never been in existence. Conversely, the construction of tokens entails creating them on an already existing blockchain.

Another clear difference is in the functionality of tokens and coins; the former functions as a means to trade and store transactions, and the latter is for exchange and allows access to certain services. Perhaps another difference is that tokens are faster to create, easier to utilize, and less complex than crypto coins. Crypto coins are more tedious as they require complex technical processes to ensure utmost security.

Notably, crypto coins change in value and number when used or spent, while tokens require a physical or digital transfer from one holder to another. An excellent example of this is the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

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What are the Similarities between Crypto Token and Crypto Coin

Generally, upon comprehensive assessment, there are only a handful of similarities between crypto tokens and coins. However, this is not to say that they have no likeness. Although Crypto coins and tokens may differ in structure, there are both digital assets. Their structures are an essential similarity because they employ Distributed Ledger Technology [DLT], as blockchain technology is a DLT that creates tokens and coins. It is easy to deduce that using DLT for tokens and coins is only valid in the virtual environment and the web 3.0 universe.


As seen above, there are remarkable differences and similarities between crypto tokens and crypto coins. Regardless, there is no doubt that both assets make transactions more accessible and are the world’s future currency exchange.

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