Is the Cryptocurrency Secure? Exposure of Avalanche, Polygon, and ZkSync Discord Hacks


Major crypto networks are shook by recent Discord hacks.

Is there a risk to your crypto? A series of coordinated Discord breaches that targeted key networks Avalanche, Polygon, and ZkSync over the last weekend sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency world. The rapid sequence of breaches that started on August 24, 2024, exposed a large number of users and raised serious questions regarding the security of these well-known platforms.

Breach of Avalanche and Polygon: A Sequence of Unsettling Attacks

The world of cryptocurrency has witnessed a troubling trend of Discord breaches. Avalanche’s server was subjected to a similar attack on August 25, which happened shortly after Polygon’s Discord server was compromised on August 24. In these attacks, bogus URLs were spread, leading users to believe they could get free tokens. Concerns regarding the openness of communication channels within the cryptocurrency ecosystem have increased due to the timing and nature of these breaches.

Effect on Token Values: How AVAX and MATIC Have Been Affected by the Hacks

The impacted tokens have seen real consequences from the most recent breaches. Both Avalanche’s AVAX token and Polygon’s MATIC token saw significant drops in value after the attacks. These incidents highlight the necessity for consumers to monitor their investments closely and remain aware of any potential changes in the market during these unsettling times.

The Discord Breach at Polygon: What Went Wrong?

Mudit Gupta, Chief Information Security Officer of Polygon, revealed on August 24 that there had been a hack on their Discord channel. Users were cautioned to avoid clicking on the deceptive links that were distributed as a result of the assault. According to reports, one user unintentionally clicked on a bogus link shared during the incident, losing $150,000 in Ether.

How ZkSync and Avalanche Were Vulnerable

Similar strategies were also used against Avalanche’s Discord channel following the Polygon breach. The security issues were exacerbated by bogus URLs that promoted the release of AVAX tokens. Similar compromises were made to ZkSync’s Discord, continuing the recent wave of hacks that have beset the cryptocurrency community.

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