3 Programming Languages for Web3 Enthusiasts

Web3 Programming languages

As the cryptocurrency industry evolves, there is a concurrent increase in the number of developers learning web3 and the required expertise level web 3 programming languages. Similarly, more web 3 platforms are being developed daily, while the skills necessary for developers are becoming even more complicated.

Being a blockchain developer is a very profitable profession despite the potentially overwhelming quantity of options available to budding developers—according to Talent, the typical blockchain engineer makes $145k a year!

The appeal for the top web3 programming languages has been progressively increasing along with the need for blockchain engineers. Beginners would need help locating appropriate blockchain programming languages. Therefore, if you are looking to delve into blockchain development, we have detailed characteristics of the web3 programming languages to aid in your decision-making.

3 common web 3 Programming Languages for Web3

A web3 programming language is a particular programming language used by blockchains to create smart contracts. It is designed mainly for the creation of blockchain applications. Every blockchain uses a particular web3 programming language to write smart contracts. Here is an overview of 3 choices among programming languages for developing web3 solutions.


Solidity is the commonly used smart contract programming language in web3, created by an Ethereum team. It is object-oriented, high-level, and Turing-complete. These characteristics result from the language’s heavy reliance on C++, Python, and JavaScript. Developers can construct smart contracts using Solidity on any blockchain compatible with EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine), including Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, and many more. For new Web3 developers, Solidity is a fantastic place to begin because of its tried-and-true coding practices, terrific community support, and smart contract versatility. Learning foundational topics such as non-fungible tokens, token standards, Ethereum Virtual Machine, etc., is the first step to starting with solidity.

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Vyper is a Pythonic variant of Solidity that uses the syntactic simplicity-focused language of Python and is another language for developing on EVM-compatible blockchains. Vyper was created to be as legible and basic of a code as possible. Vyper enables developers to avoid complicated, bug-ridden code and rapidly identify security issues in their smart contracts by reducing unneeded complexity. Vyper is a viable web3 programming language for your smart contracts if you want to develop on EVM-compatible blockchains and require simplicity and security.


Google created the computer language Golang (Go), renowned for its integrated concurrency capabilities. Go enables programmers to make quick, concurrent programs easily. The Geth node client, one of the initial Ethereum node client implementations along with C++ and Python, is utilized in the blockchain business. Golang developers may now create scalable dApps thanks to the Go implementation. Go runs programs significantly more quickly. Go’s strong concurrency capabilities should be considered by developers who want to develop Ethereum-based dApps with incredibly scalable backend processing. Big companies like Netflix, Uber, and American Express utilize the Go programming language for developing scalable and sleek applications. Other web3 programming languages include Huff, Rust, Move, Cairo, Haskell, C++, Java, Python, and Ruby.


The top web3 programming languages show you that your options are unlimited. You need to identify the programming language that enables you to derive the necessary benefits from the unique capabilities presented by the Web3 concept. Your originality in web3 programming may be limited if you limit yourself to using a single programming language.

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